Awareness raising and advocacy

OIC Australia is supporting OIC Cambodia’s to conduct awareness raising and advocacy activities that will:

  • Increase the demand for the speech therapy profession, and the commitment to developing this profession

  • Raise awareness of the needs and rights of people with communication disabilities

  • Promote community inclusion for people with communication disabilities

OIC Australia does this by:

  • Developing print, radio and other media materials that communicate key messages for community, professionals and government

  • Designing awareness raising and advocacy campaigns (social media, national or community level) to grow understanding of speech therapy as a profession

  • Designing awareness raising and advocacy campaigns to highlight issues for people who have communication and swallowing difficulties

  • Monitoring community, professional and government attitudes, knowledge and practices towards people with communication difficulties

  • Targeted advocacy for inclusion of people with communication difficulties in education, health, and disability services

  • Promoting “Day Without Speech” within Cambodia Society (business, school, organizations) to increase people’s understanding of communication difficulties